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Isolator/GFF Hybrid Combination

time:2023-09-01 14:56:45 click:

Isolator GFF Hybrid (IGFF) combines and optical isolator with a gain flattening filter(GFF), mainly used in EDFA and Raman amplifiers to equalize the amplified signal power of each channel in DWDM systems. The IGFF provides in-line compensation of spectral gain profile of EDFAs WITH excellent perfornance including high Isolation, Low PDL, and Low PMD.

Key Features

Wide Operating Wavelength Range

Low Insertion Loss

High Isolation

Flat Spectral Gain

High Stability and Reliability

Epoxy Free Optical Path


Fiber optic Amplifiers



Note: All the data above does not include connectors.

Port  Configurations:


Ordering Information:


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